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Handbook for Newcomers, Migrants and Immigrants to Japan

Arudou Debito & Higuchi Akira A new bilingual book by lawyer Higuchi Akira and author-activist Arudou Debito went on sale in March 2008. The book includes advice on securing stable visas, establishing businesses and secure jobs, resolving legal problems, and planning for the future from entry into Japan to death.?In this extract, they explain the rationale behind the project and offer advice for how to deal with problems in Japan and integrate into Japanese society.Migration of labor is an un-ignorable reality in this globalizing world. Japan is no exception. In recent years, Japan has had record numbers of registered foreigners, international marriages, and people receiving permanent residency. This guidebook is designed to help non-Japanese settle in Japan, and become more secure residents and contributors to Japanese society.For detailed information on the book, the preface, and excerpts (see below) click here.Chapter One: ARRIVING IN JAPAN1 - Understanding the structure of the Japanese Visa System (the difference between “Visa”, “Status of Residence” (SOR) and “Certificate of Eligibility” (COE))2 - Procedures for coming to Japan- Acquiring SOR from outside Japan- Changing or acquiring SOR from inside Japan- Chart summarizing Visa, COE, and SOR3 - Procedures after you came to Japan- Bringing your family over to Japan- Leaving Japan temporarily- Extending your stay in Japan- Changing jobs in Japan- Changing SOR so you can work- Chart summarizing Immigration procedures4 - What kinds of Status of Residence are there?- Chart outlining all 27 possible SOR- Recommendations for specific jobs- Requirements for select Statuses of Residence5 - What if you overstay or work without proper status?- Recent changes to Immigration law- Examples of unintended violations- Our advice if you overstay your SOR6 - Getting Permanent Residency and Japanese Nationality- Chart summarizing the requirements and differences between the two7 - Conclusions and final advice on how to make your SOR stableChapter Four: WHAT TO DO IF… RESOLVING PROBLEMSLIFESTYLE: FAMILY MATTERS:…if you want to get married…if you want to register your children in Japanese schools…if you want to register your newborn Japanese children with non-Japanese names…if you have a problem (such as ijime bullying) in your children’s schools…if you want to change your children’s schools…if you suffer from Domestic Violence…if you want to get divorced…if you are having visitation, child custody, or child support problems…if you are a pregnant out of wedlock by a Japanese manClick here for additional information on the author and his activist activities in Japan.===================================Book synopsis follows:===================================“HANDBOOK FOR NEWCOMERS, MIGRANTS, AND IMMIGRANTS TO JAPAN”ISBN: 978-4-7503-2741-9Authors: HIGUCHI Akira and ARUDOU DebitoLanguages: English and JapanesePublisher: Akashi Shoten Inc., TokyoOn sale from March 15, 2008372 Pages. Price: 2300 yen (2415 yen after tax)Goal: To help non-Japanese entrants become residents and immigrantsTopics: Securing stable visas, Establishing businesses and secure jobs, Resolving legal problems, Planning for the future through to death…===================================TO ORDER: Click here! (Note: Depending on the interest generated by my BT readers, I will try to sell the handbook in the USA via my company if I can reach an agreement with Debito and the publisher .)